December 29, 2019
| Pages: 145-156 | Views: 339
The aim of this study is to critically examine the sociodemographic and individual factors leading to school dropout. The study uses the Family Structure Survey (FSS) data collected in 2016 from 35.475 household members 15+ years old, by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat). Appropriate variables, gender, marital status, age, work status, living away from mother, living away from father, and the residential area were chosen as the predictor variables of the odds of dropout behavior in any level of education for specific age groups. According to the binary logistic regression, being married, working in a job, living in a village or county and living away from father or in a separated family are the major sociodemographic problems leading dropout. Besides, economic issues and low achievement is the major reasons to dropout according to the participants’ views by descriptive statistical analyses. In this regard, taking comprehensive actions to minimize the effect of these factors with a broad cooperation and collaboration of the national, local and institutional authorities is suggested and the need for more studies specifically designed for rural and urban areas is emphasized.
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Adnan Boyacı
Faculty of Education, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
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