The main objective of the present paper is to develop a Reflective Teaching Model for Reading Comprehension (RTMRC) in English Language Teaching (ELT). In recent decades, the concept of ‘reflection’ has become widely used in relation to an effective teaching process in various contexts, such as reflective teaching, reflective practices, reflective inquiry, self-observation, self-evaluation, and peer review. Although it is widely accepted in terms of use, the notion of ‘reflection’ is still broad and confusing, since it has different meanings and is used diversely in various areas of education. Thus, the first part provides an overview of the numerous perspectives in different research fields on the concept of reflective teaching in ELT reading comprehension, which contribute to the analysis, synthesis, and summary of RTMRC. In the second part, an evaluation of researchers’ perspectives in teaching methodology and English language teaching is provided. We have concluded that our summary model based on the literature review is suitable as an instructional framework for ELT practitioners during the teaching process. Moreover, our review indicates that the stages of RTMRC that have been identified are appropriate for use in teaching and learning reading comprehension.
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